Decontamination of city canals in Ravenstein

Commissioned by the Waterschap Aa en Maas, Kurstjens took care of the remediation of the city canals in Ravenstein.


This project was tendered in an innovative way by using performance specifications. Kurstjens created a design for the realisation of the project, taking into account the Waterschap’s requirements and conditions. Kurstjens offered the best solution to the Waterschap for this work, not only qualitatively (in terms of design) but also quantitatively (in terms of price).


Over 18,000 m3 of heavily contaminated dredge spoil was excavated in total and mechanically dewatered using sieve belt presses. Thanks to the dewatering process, only a limited part of the in-situ m3 was dumped, thus creating a significant financial benefit. The innovative implementation method meant that no transportation by axle took place in the inner-city. During this project, Kurstjens collaborated with several parties such as the Department of Public Works and Water Management, the Department of Water, the Municipality, the Province, the Fishing association and OCE-experts.